It is quite unfair on the part of Mr. L.K Advani, the Prime Ministerial candidate of the BJP to raise the question of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi exercising "authority, without accountability" and the Prime Minister Dr Manamohan Singh having "accountability, without political authority" (The Hindu, 27 Feb 2009,p12, Advani's press conference). He should refresh his memory that Mrs. Gandhi, as the number one leader of the Congress Party, was all set to become the Prime Minister of India soon after the 14th Lok Sabha Elections in 2004. Mrs Sushama Swaraj, a frontline Leader of Advani's Party, became very much upset and she threatened to do political hara-kiri - that she would go bald, put on white saree and sleep on the floor... if Mrs. Gandhi were to become the Prime Minister of India. Her strategy was to whip up orthodox Hindu sentiments and create communal tension in the country. Reason: Mrs. Gandhi was not born as an Indian, therefore, she should not became the Prime Minister of India. This was a silly, illegal and mischievous argument. And Mrs. Swaraj ought to have been prevailed upon by Mr. Advani and Mr. Vajapayee. This did not happen for reasons best known to Mr. Advani and Co. It is quite good and legal on the part of Mrs. Gandhi to become the head of the Congress Party and to become a Member of the Indian Parliament. Mrs. Swaraj had no grievance here. She did all sorts of things to prevent Mrs. Gandhi to become the head of the Union Government. In any case Mrs. Swaraj was outwitted by Mrs. Gandhi who chose Dr Manamohan Singh to take oath as Prime Minister of India. This was the political reality. This was created by the BJP five years back. If this was wrong, then the BJP should hang its head in shame. Politically, we are not yet as forward as the people of the USA. Without any hitch Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, the leader, representing the African- Americans, has become President of the USA. There is no Sushama Swaraj there to cry hoarse. In the post - Obama World, Mr. Advani should restrain his colleague Mrs. Swaraj and pave the way for Mrs. Gandhi to become the Prime Minister of India in the upcoming General Elections. Two centres of power, about which the BJP was the prime progenitor in 2004, would disappear in 2009 and the BJP must disentangle itself from the RSS power centre at Nagpur. The kettle should stop calling the pot black.
Yours humanly
B. Ramchandra CST Voltaire
Secretary, AMOFOI
121, Dharmavihar
Ph-09238878280, worldamofoi@
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